VRCC, UNFPA CP7 Draw Work Plan Implementation For 2021

                                      Mr. Prosper Apenyo-VRCC

 BY: Akpabli Daniel Yao/Ho/VR

The Volta Regional Coordinating Council (VRCC) and an implementing partner to the Government of Ghana/United Nations Population Fund (GOG/UNFPA) seventh Country Programme (CP7) has organized an inception meeting to discuss the VRCC/UNFPA 2021 work plan implementation.

The meeting which included participating department and Non-Governmental Organizations had presentations on their various 2021 planned  activities in support of the well-being of the Adolescent, Sexual Reproductive health (SRH) and gender issues.

Mr. Prosper Afenyo, the Acting Regional Coordinating Director and the President’s Representative expressed gratitude to the Sub-implementing  partners for the tremendous input they are making in the development of the Adolescent in the Various district across the Volta Region and charged them to do more.

He also call on the departments and Sub-Implementation partners to do more sustainability plans to equip themselves in executing their planned activities.

The focal person from the VRCC, Madam Victoria Fato noted that, the year 2020 was a success, for all planned activities of the VRCC/UNFPA, have made positive impact in the various communities across the region.

As part of this years planned activities, she said, Seminar on Social Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)/Gender related issues will be targeted among Senior high School.

“there will be playing of recorded episodes on Child Marriage and teenage pregnancy, Durbar on SGBV, capacity building on SGBV case management for DOVVSU personnel, Radio Education on SGBV, Tack beneficiaries of camp meeting and Mentorship and empowerment for adolescents in some selected districts across the entire region” She said

She further added that, there shall be follow up and orientations for Watch dog Committee, orientation of stakeholders on minimal essential package, building capacity of service providers in long acting reversible contraceptives, technical working groups meeting, Data validation meetings on Maternal and child health, Monitoring visit on maternal  and child health, Reviewing meeting on vocational skills training, forum for Youth leaders on child marriage and teen pregnancy, Reviewing on child marriage and teen pregnancy among others.

She assured a good collaboration between the VRCC/UNFPA and the sub-implementing partners to ensure that, this year also see many successes.

However, some departments called for collaboration among themselves so as to work together for a desired common goal, example, in the celebration of the International day of the Girl Child among others as they noted that, issues affecting children are cross cutting issues which needs partnership and collaborations.

Present at the meeting were Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, all departmental Directors from public institutions, Chairman of the coalition of NGO’s among others.


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